
2 abr 2012

Korseny: "Hispanics who prefer English (HE) spend about 25% of their time with Spanish language media".-

Dr Felipe Korseny writes today in Hispanic Ad about languages and the influence of English and Spanish in the Hispanic Population.

He resumes the effect as follows:

Hispanics who prefer English (HE) spend about 25% of their time with Spanish language media and communication, and they are the second most communicative group of all, with more than 50 hours per week. The third most communicative group is that of African Americans (AA) with about 43 hours per week, followed by Asians (A) with about 38 hours per week. Non-Hispanic Whites reported the least amount of time per week engaged in communication activities. A next posting will break down each of the activities. Here, however, the striking overall differences in amounts deserve some discussion.

Compete article in English in today´s Hispanic Ad here