
8 dic 2007

A Communicator's Advice for the Holidays.-

Holiday season, a great time to relax, take some time out, meet your loved ones, renew your ideas and expectations, read and plan ahead. As in my previous post, this one will also focus on planning ahead.

There's no better time than holiday time to think about what you can accomplish and particularly in my case I will focus on my client's communication strategies, specially those strategies that demand research and data base construction.

When you are thinking on focusing on a new business or target market the first question that arises is: How do I build a good data base of leads and potential clients?

You may find here an impossible challenge or an easy to overcome situation. What's important is that you take the time to analyze your target market and develop a PR plan to contact and engage the people you are interested in, and the people that you would like to network with.

Here are some recommendations:

1.- Build up relationships with industry leaders, influencer and the media. You may say "wow, this is difficult!", but if you have something great to tell them, an incredible product or a valuable service, it has been proven a thousand times, that you can make it. Just make it valuable to others.

2.- Start with your own network. You know dozens of people and so do, the dozen of people who you know and know you. Use social networks, use blogs, email and forums, to engage with people you know, with people you knew in the past and with their friends too.

3.- Look for speaking opportunities. At your country club, at your Rotary Club, in social events, identify all those situations in which you can talk about your product or services, but not as a "salesperson", but as an "expert" in the field. Read, read, read.

4.- If you have the ability to speak other languages use them, take the most out of this unique capability and adjust your products and services to other cultures and languages. Whenever you do this, there might be a world of new opportunities waiting for you.

Have a great day. Enjoy your work!