
22 abr 2011

"For me, the ability to prioritize and say “no” is critical to not only my success, but my sanity". Charlene Begley, President & CEO, GE Home & Biz

Certainly this is a phrase you might also hear from men, but the article that Little Pink Book posts today shows a brilliant woman playing with the rules of top business leaders.
Mother of 3 and leader of 40,000 Begley makes interesting remarks of what it means to be in the verges of a new evolution in technology applications while balancing life and hobbies.

Some of the concepts you will find in this great interview of Caroline Cox include:

  • Transparency is important in anything you do, whether it’s with employees, customers or even the media.
  • No matter what role you’re in, you must spend time with your customers. You can learn a ton by asking them what they like and dislike about your products and services and how your business compares with your competitors.
  • I try to manage [my impatience] by having things scheduled and using clear communication. At the same time, when I want something done, I want it done.

How true is this!