
31 ago 2009

Books I love/d

I have just finish updating a list of books I have read during the past months in an Amazon App in my LinkedIn profile and wanted to share this info with you too.

Some of my favorites:

PR 2.0: New Media, New Tools, New Audiences by Deirdre Breakenridge
"Interesting, complete, enjoyable. This is a good book, with not the typical "basic" information you usually find int he books that cover this topic. I have been working in public policy and political campaigns for ht last 14 years and I usually find myself looking for books that have that "extra" information for professionals that have been around for a while. And Breakenridge brings the voice and comments of other professionals, journalists and bloggers that recommend the best ways to use the new digital tools to foster public image. Thumbs up."

Elogio de la responsabilidad by Sergio Sinay
"La responsabilidad es uno de los valores mas degradados de nuestra sociedad. Parece ser que el lema es "Todo vale". Escuché una entrevista que hablaba sobre el libro en la radio en Buenos Aires, y me pareció muy fuera de serie la idea de que la resposabilidad sea un VALOR, con todas las letras."

First Things First by Stephen R. Covey, A. Roger Merrill, Rebecca R. Merrill
"Ok, this is one the books I read from time to time and I take it as a to-do list. I think Covey is a master when it comes to action plans. But I cannot read Covey's books from beginning to end. I just go by them finding out what can be useful for a period of time I like Covey, and put into practice some of his ideas, but this is an author I need to complement with other authors so as to complete concepts and strengthen ideas."

Swim with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive: Outsell, Outmanage, Outmotivate, and Outnegotiate Your Competition by Harvey Mackay
"One of the most impressive authors I read...considering he is not a writter but a business person. I was enjoying a time in Sarasota, FL. and bought this book in an used version and it was fabulous to have the oportunity to enjoy the notes of the precious owner.
The reading is easy but the concepts are very, very thoughtful. It's a must read for all of you who are planing to make a change in your lives and really need some help and hints on how to enjoy life with a different perspective: commitment, love for what you do, enjoyment, thankfulness and HARD work. Loved it."

The New Rules of Marketing and PR: How to Use News Releases, Blogs, Podcasting, Viral Marketing and Online Media to Reach Buyers Directly
"Interesting if you want an ABC or a guide to start working and understanding the new practice of PR in the digital era. Maybe a little basic if you are already working in the field.
Interesting for journalists who want to start blogging."