
13 ago 2008

What PR can Learn From Super Heroes.

OK, it's not that I think that PR professionals are super heroes, but I loved it when Hancock saved a PR agent so in return he helps him shape and clean his image. A great movie for the profession.
This new post ideas comes after I finished my management program on Entertainment and Media in the University of Palermo in Buenos Aires, with Professor Al Lieberman from the prestigious New York University (NYU). One of the Harvard Business School cases we analyze during the program was the "Marvel Entertainment" case. A fantastic model on how to turnaround a business which I want to bring to the attention of my colleagues to find similarities on how we can "turnaround" our client's image and market position.

By the end of the 1980's Marvel was in trouble. We will not analyze the situation that produced the crisis, instead we will analyze see the aftermath and how they used their super heroes' strengths to turnaround the negative situation.

First, they had a unique library of characters. This was their most valuable asset. How could they take advantages of each of their super heroes and make them work for the company? Marvel found the way to monetize the characters’ library. By licensing the library to Studios, publishers and toy manufacturers, with emphasis on feature films, home DVD, consumer products, video games, action figures and role-playing toys, television and promotions, the turnaround and increase revenue was a matter of time.

Which is your client's library? strengths? potentials? Find these and you'll find plenty of material to work with. Sometimes it's the company's mission or vision, others, it's the company's Board, its workers and staff. Every company has its own heroes, its own library of very valuable assets (not only people but services, products, strengths, customer service). You have to find those strengths and find the way to "monetize". In PR language this means that you have to identify those heroes (strengths) and make them work to better the company's position in the market: introduce your company's heroes to everyone especially media leaders, influencers and stakeholders.

Second: Manage the characters so they could continue creating value on the long term.

After you find your company's heroes, create an ongoing program on how this heroes (people, products, values, spokespersons) can continue creating value in the long term. Presentations, articles, books, articles, blogs, speeches, lectures, University presentations, Board members in other prestigious institutions. Make everyone and everything speak for the company. Make clear, they have a mission to accomplish and be very careful on the speeches they make. Be coherent. Make everyone follow the plan. Write speeches if you thinks someone might loose track. Control the content.

Third: have some kind of control over the creative process.

Make sure that whatever the plan, you have control on what the spokespersons say, and that creative and innovative ways of communication are brought to the media and the stakeholders.

Be your company's PR Heroe.