
10 jun 2008

What do Latin Americans do on the Web? (Part 1)

I am preparing a report regarding What Latin Americans are doing in the web, and while I research, I want to share with you my findings and the data I am analyzing:

Latin American Internet Users (Data 2007)

85.040.000 users

15,35% world market

433% increase in 2001-2007

35% of the users are Mexicans, 19% Argentineans and 12 % Chilean, 11% Colombian and 8% Peruvian. This data shows also the influence of the internet and its penetration in the most important markets in the region.

If we consider the countries with the most broadband users, we find slight changes: Mexico, Chile and Venezuela are at the top of the ranking. This is an interesting fact because nowadays, broadband is key to accessing the contents in the web (especially video, music, podcasts, etc.)

People in countries with a fast internet connection will have access to a wider range of services and possibilities among others: blog postings upload and download photos and videos, participate in social networks, video games and online gaming, mobile content buyers and forum participation. If you a re not counting the minutes that you consume your telephone line it is easier to relax and spend time (hours) in the web.

Latin Americas log online mainly at home, but also from their PC’s at work and at school. What’s characteristic of Latin American’s Internet usage is that many countries have developed public policies regarding internet access and what we call “cyber coffees” have become very popular in the region. These “Coffee shops with internet access”, guarantee a broadband access to people that cannot afford yet to have a computer nor broadband access which is still expensive for the median consumer in the region. For only US$ 0,30 aprox. you can browse the internet, chat, play, send emails, etc. for an hour (price varies between countries and Latin cities)

This is the ranking of way Latino users love the internet:

Fast way to access information

Available 24-7

Information variety

Possibility to communicate everywhere

Access updated information

Download files

Friendly usage

In Latin America people consider themselves internet “experts” if they were able to develop and publish a website and it they participate in podcasts. An advanced user is the one that exchanges photos, videos and music and a “medium level” user is the one that chats and is subscribed to different websites. Basic users are the ones that only logs on to send and read email and uses search engines.

This is what people are doing in the web in Latin America:

Business transaction



Downloading info

Playing games

Looking for new jobs


And this is what they are researching about:

News!! (Every Country)

Music downloads

Sciences and health (Specially in Costa Rica, Venezuela and Ecuador)

General Information



Educational info.

The average time spent in the web by Latin Americans is 8 hours per week. Mexicans spend 9 hours per week and Puerto Ricans 11 hours per week. Followed by Argentineans who spend 8,2 hours per week.