
3 dic 2007

The Use of Technology for Business Research in the US Hispanic Market.-

We go to school, college, and University and although all that research, analysis, understanding, planning and developing, has proved to be very useful, as far as business opportunities is concerned, nothing helps more than technology to identify business opportunities, and engage customers nowadays.

There are so many opportunities to learn about on the web and market reports to read that you'll hardly find time to analyze or even read the titles and headlines of all of them. But still for those of you interested in the US Hispanic Market, the internet and communication technologies are a unique source of information.

Today I have identified three websites that you should bookmark and read to learn more about this market and the business possibilities that arise.

Talking about the need for research, I found this very interesting interview to Tony Malaghan CEO, Arial International, in Hispanic MPR's website which you will find useful and complete regarding the first steps to take and consider when deciding to target the US Hispanic Market. He posts this question: "why are companies in the U.S. not doing more to establish a presence in this market?" and his answer includes the following statements: "lack of corporate commitment to the strategic decision to target the U.S. Hispanic market, lack of adequate budget resistance and fear of the unknown". His suggestions include 8 very interesting topics and points.

For those of you who like to read updated and daily news and information about the US Hispanic Market, there's Juan Tornoe's blog Hispanic Trending which includes all the interesting articles about this market that are published in the US daily. Juan writes and comments with the sensibility of a Hispanic and the professional touch of an entrepreneur that has lived and worked in the USA long enough to identify the most important trends of the market.

If you like magazines and are a frequent reader of reports and like to get hard data on markets and trends Hispanic Business is a magazine you may want to watch. It is one of the most complete magazines targeting the US Hispanic Market and it has a very good readership among non Hispanics as well. It is also one of the oldest US Hispanic magazines in the country.

Use Google, to make your own searches as well. Do not only use traditional words and phrases such as "US Hispanic Market opportunities" but rather try more specific sentences such as "US Hispanic market car buying data" or any phrase that best describes your industry or products and soon enough you'll find that not only the US Hispanic Market is a huge market to be discovered but a great business opportunity that needs your company's attention.